Urgent Care, Primary Care, and Dermatology
Same day or next day availability
Speak with licensed therapists
Support for stress, anxiety, depression, and more
Pickup at over 70,000 pharmacies nationwide
Included at no extra charge
All visits included in plan are administered virtually.
1,100+ FREE Medications
Our team will help transfer any active and current prescriptions to our plan and SAVE!
Discounts on all BRAND NAME and compounded medications.
Pickup prescriptions at over 70k nationwide pharmacies.
90-day mail order is also available.
Unlimited Primary Care Visits
Unlimited Urgent Care Visits
Unlimited Talk Therapy/Behavioral Health Counseling
Direct Message over 13 Specialists*
Visit with a Psychologist or Psychiatrist for an additional fee.*
Doctors available 24/7/365.
*Specialists include pediatrician, dentist, allergist, endocrinologist, dietician, sports & medicine, women's and men's health, etc.
Pet Care Station
Virtual Veterinary Consults 24/7/365 for $0
Discounted Pet Medications
EXCLUSIVE Members Only Pricing:
GLP-1 (brand/compounded) weight loss medications
Comprehensive Imaging
Lab work, and more!
Physician Access
Our platform enables you to connect quickly with a U.S. Licensed Physician who is available to treat, provide advice, recommendations, and even diagnose common acute illnesses.
of mental wellness?
(855) 378-7700
154 Bella Katy Rd, Suite 200, Katy, TX 77494